The Friday Feature: October 6, 2023

Posted: October 6, 2023 at 2:47 p.m.

The Friday Feature w/ Sean: Almost Done – Nope

👉 Don’t believe a preacher (or a leader) when they say “we’re almost done.” We are never truly done! There is always more we can do. Keep pushing forward! Welcome to Week 185 of #TheFridayFeature.

🍎 Using an old-fashioned, manual crank apple press, we turned thousands of apples into gallons of cider. The minister’s claims of “almost done” when we were only halfway through turned into a running joke. When we finally reached the apple bin’s bottom, a mini-celebration erupted, along with the minister’s words: “Never believe a preacher who says we’re almost done!” In that theological moment, we realized our work is perpetual. Whether comforting the world’s sorrow or embracing opportunities for love and joy, our mission endures. So, don’t be swayed when any preacher declares, “We’re almost done!”

This spontaneous video is not the best, but it captured the joy of making apple cider with family and friends. #keeppushingforward