July 2020 | Adjust. Life is Just Different in 2020

Posted: July 1, 2020 at 9:45 a.m.

2020 continues to throw curve balls and we, as the larger community, continue to hit them. We are evolving, adapting and adjusting to our new normal. Each of us are leaders at home, at work and in the community. We make positive changes happen by the choices we make every day. It’s our choice.

Our youngest son Parker graduated a few weeks ago from Dexter (Mo.) High School. Rather than wait to sit in a hot gym or a crowded theater or skip the event entirely, the district made a great decision to host a drive-thru graduation ceremony. The kids decorated their vehicles, jumped in and a parent or guardian drove the vehicle so families could participate in a single-file vehicle parade for a few miles as we lined up for graduation. Once we arrived at the designated drop-off, Parker exited the truck and walked across the stage (a flatbed trailer). We were able to drive (slowly) along to watch as he greeted teachers and administrators along his walk. Then, he got back in the truck and we parked in the high school lot. After all the seniors walked, the kids got out of their vehicles and, collectively, tossed their gradation caps into the air. Horns honked. People hooted. Kids smiled. It wasn’t the normal graduation ceremony. We adjusted. We enjoyed the moment. We will never forget it.

Speaking of adjustments, join us from the comfort and safety of your vehicles for SEMO Electric Cooperative’s 2020 Drive-in Annual Meeting to elect its 2020 slate of directors. All members who participate will receive a $25 bill credit (one per household) and an attendance gift, plus be placed in a grand prize drawing for one of five $250 bill credits. To respect social distancing, registration and voting will take place from your vehicle’s window during the drive-in event between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 2 in the parking lot at Three Rivers College in Sikeston (1/2 mile south of Walmart). We will broadcast the event live on Facebook and on Classic KYMO 105.3 FM. Brothers Walker will provide live music – bring your lawn chairs if you wish – during the entire two hours. See you then! 

Book of the Month: “The inspiration, innovation, cooperation, brand loyalty and profits that result from infinite-minded leadership serve companies not just in times of stability but also in times of instability. The same things that help the company survive and thrive during good times help make the company strong and resilient in hard times. An infinite-minded leader does not simply want to build a company that can weather change but one that can be transformed by it.” Simon Sinek – The Infinite Game

Be smart. Act safe.

Vanslyke is general manager and chief executive officer of SEMO Electric Cooperative.

Sean’s son Parker celebrates his high school graduation during a drive-thru graduation ceremony in Dexter, Mo.
Sean’s son Parker celebrates his high school graduation during a drive-thru graduation ceremony in Dexter, Mo.
Team SEMO’s Britney invites you to use our drive-up facilities for full service. If you need to enter the main office building in Bloomfield or Sikeston for additional services, we have these cool pagers – similar to what restaurants use – to alert you when it is socially acceptable to enter the building. Thank you for working with us to protect you and us.