November 20, 2021

Board Spotlight: Annual Meeting: May 12

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of SEMO Electric Cooperative, Inc., (hereinafter referred to as “Cooperative”) was held on Friday, November 19, 2021, at the offices of the Cooperative in Sikeston, Missouri. The meeting was called to order at by President Richard Faulkner. The following Directors were present: Richard Faulkner, Butch Dirnberger, Carl Eftink, Dennis Fowler, James Deneke, Carla Moore, Keith Haynes, Dicky Hanor, Tim Coppage, John Bledsoe, Myron Hawes and Hamil Corse. Directors absent: none. Also present were Sean Vanslyke, CEO/General Manager; Megan Ray, General Counsel; and staff members Loyd Rice, Becky Ivester, Ron Montgomery, Angie Byford, Amanda Burnett, Chris Freed, Dannett Cooper, Brad Milam and Marty Vineyard. A prayer of invocation was offered by Vanslyke.

The chair asked for approval of the agenda. On motion made, seconded and passed, the agenda was approved as presented. The Board considered its consent agenda consisting of: the minutes of the regular meeting of October 15, 2021; new membership applications; membership cancellations; initial review of Policy 415 – Electric Motor Loads; and initial review of Policy 416 – Privacy and Confidentiality. On motion made, seconded and passed, the actions required for each were approved by consent.

Montgomery presented the monthly safety report. He provided information on the monthly safety topic which is winter driving. Severe weather can be both frightening and dangerous for travelers. Winter storms, bad weather and sloppy road conditions are a factor in nearly half a million crashes and more than 2,000 road deaths every winter, according to research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. Drivers should know the safety rules for dealing with winter road emergencies. On motion made, seconded and passed, the Board resolved to accept the monthly safety report.

Burnett reviewed the financial summary for October 2021 with revenue and expense analysis and budget comparisons. Compared to budget, revenue is up 2.16%, expenses are up 6.63% and power costs are up 3.41%. On motion made, seconded, and passed, the Board accepted the financial report.

Eftink reported on business from the M&A Electric Power Cooperative (transmission provider) meeting. Items of interest included: Black River tornado damage; finances; budget approval; and reliability. Haynes reported no AMEC (Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives) meeting had been held since the last Board meeting.

Under old business the Board: 1) reviewed its schedule of meetings and confirmed registrations for attendance; Policy 412 – Members Payment of Bills was amended as presented; and Policy 413 – Member Deposits was approved as presented.

Under new business the Board: 1) provided district updates; 2) resolved to hold the 2022 Annual Meeting of the members on May 12, 2022,; approved the proposed regular monthly Board meeting dates for 2022; and reviewed a draft of the 2022 CapEx and O&M budget.

Vanslyke reported on SEMO 360 activities. The Board reviewed written staff reports as Department leaders were present to answer questions. The remaining staff members were excused from the meeting. Thereafter, the Board entered into Executive Session. There being no further business to come before the Board, on motion made, seconded and passed, the meeting was adjourned.

Prior to the meeting, United Electric Cooperative and United Fiber's CEO Jim Bagley discussed his co-op's success providing broadband services. Since 2011, United has built over 2,000 miles of fiber and currently serves over 20,000 customers with cutting-edge fiber and wireless broadband services. As one of the lowest density cooperatives in the state of Missouri with only 2.4 meters per mile, United has been able to serve areas thought to be too expensive to reach by traditional carriers. United has over 3,600 miles of distribution lines that provide power to more than 9,700 meters throughout 11 counties in northwest Missouri and southwest Iowa.

At November's board meeting, SEMO Electric Cooperative's Board of Directors and CEO recognize the co-op's completion of nearly 2,000 miles of fiber construction. The GoSEMO Fiber project was approved by SEMO's board in March 2017. The project was completed about five months ahead of schedule and, now, all members have access to world-class internet services.
United Electric Cooperative and United Fiber's CEO Jim Bagley (left) and SEMO Electric Cooperative's Director Dennis Fowler (right) visit at November 's board meeting. Bagley and Fowler both served in the United States Navy. Bagley met with the entire board and shared his co-op's journey in providing broadband services to members in northwest Missouri and southwest Iowa.