The Friday Feature: April 17, 2020

Posted: April 17, 2020 at 9:43 a.m.

The Friday Feature w/Sean: Be Adjustable!

#TheFridayFeature #4 Uncertain? Stir-crazy? Back in May of 1927, pilot Charles Lindbergh flew the first nonstop flight from New York to Paris. He did it in less than 34 hours and he asked for a couple things for that flight. Fuel, sandwiches and a couple tools. But mainly, he asked for the crescent wrench. See the crescent wrench wasn’t a half-inch wrench or a ten-millimeter wrench. It was a crescent wrench. It was flexible. It was adaptable. As we go through these times of uncertainty, I just encourage you to continue to seek ways of doing things differently. To be more flexible. To encourage your team to be flexible. See the crescent wrench has adjustability. We need to have adjustability. And by doing so we will survive. Together, we will thrive.

#leadwithyourheart #keeppushingforward #seanvanslyke #alwaysinterviewing