The Friday Feature: June 5, 2020

Posted: June 5, 2020 at 9:58 a.m.

The Friday Feature w/Sean: “Bless Them, Change Me”

#TheFridayFeature #11 #52Weeks About ten years ago, our family was sitting in church in Eureka, Illinois. The Reverend Jennie Churchman gave a message that day and I have never forgotten her words and what she meant. She said when we start to judge people, we need to look at them and say to ourselves “bless them, change me.” You see people just want to be seen for who they are. They want to be acknowledged. They want us to listen to them. It’s really hard every day when we start to make a judgement or we look at somebody or we look at something and we start to judge it. I just encourage you to use those four words next time you start to do something. It’s… it’s really hard, but look at somebody before you say something and say “bless them, change me.” It will make a difference in your life

#leadwithyourheart #keeppushingforward #seanvanslyke #alwaysinterviewing