The Friday Feature: May 15, 2020

Posted: May 15, 2020 at 9:50 a.m.

The Friday Feature w/Sean: Are You A Giver?

#TheFridayFeature #8 There’s an old saying out there that says nobody’s ever gone poor by giving. And today I want to challenge you to give from your heart. You see behind me – we’re standing around right now because we just unloaded the mobile food bank truck. We’ve donated – the co-workers here – have donated enough money to feed 400 families today. People are lining up. They’re already here. They’re here two hours early before we even start. They’re in need. There’s a lot of people in need right now. I want to challenge you today to give five dollars, ten dollars, twenty-five dollars, to an organization that you care about that helps people. You see when we help people it makes us feel happy. It gives us a sense of gratitude. Lastly, we do make people’s lives better. If we have the opportunity, let’s do that today. I challenge you!

“No one has ever become poor by giving.” ―Anne Frank

#leadwithyourheart #keeppushingforward #seanvanslyke #alwaysinterviewing