The Friday Feature: May 22, 2020

Posted: May 22, 2020 at 9:53 a.m.

The Friday Feature w/Sean: Serve up a toast!

#TheFridayFeature #9 Have you ever wondered why you were given the opportunity to make a difference in other people’s lives? I often wonder that. This is my grandfather’s jacket – his field jacket – from Okinawa in World War II. Eighty-nine soldiers went up a hill. Only three of them came back down that weren’t either wounded or killed. He was one of them. My other grandfather, he served in Normandy during D-Day. Why I’m alive? I don’t know, but I do know that we’re given a chance to make a difference in other people’s lives. So, on this Memorial Day weekend I want to ask you to do two things for me. One, I want you to reach out and say thank you to people who have served, and thank you to the wives and the husbands and the moms and dads who sacrificed so much to support those people. Secondly, I want you to raise a glass and I want you to toast those people who have served. I want to be the first one to say: Dad, thanks for serving! Have a great Memorial Day weekend.

#leadwithyourheart #keeppushingforward #seanvanslyke #alwaysinterviewing