The Friday Feature: May 8, 2020

Posted: May 8, 2020 at 9:49 a.m.

The Friday Feature: Waiting? Go Ring Your Bell

#TheFridayFeature #7 Almost 60 days ago, this was the headline in the USA Today. “We have rung the alarm bell.” Well, now it appears that we’ve rung the recess bell. Everybody in the world, everybody the United States wants to break out and go out have some fun. Do you know what? Today is graduation day for seniors like this. And I have to say, what I want them to say is, I want them to ring the bell. I want them to go out and bust loose. I want them to have a great career and a great life. Today’s the day and we’re saying goodbye to Parker and his high school career. He moves on after tonight. So, grads let’s go out there, enjoy life, have fun and make a difference in the world!

#leadwithyourheart #keeppushingforward #seanvanslyke #alwaysinterviewing